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Learn to Cycle Sync in just 4 weeks with a virtual circle of up to 8 women!


These private, virtual WhatsApp groups are where education meets everyday practice. At the start of each week you'll receive new content, resources, and recommendations straight to your phone. Cycle syncing takes practice and is best learned in community, where you can ask questions in real time and share your experiences with others. Circles are capped at 8 women to ensure an intimate, high touch experience, giving you so much more support than a typical online course.


What you'll learn


  • Week 1: Eating Cyclically to Optimize Hormonal Health + Reduce Menstrual Symptoms
    How to get started with tracking your cycle and syncing your diet to the 4 phases of your cycle. Food is medicine and serves as the foundation for your hormonal health. You'll receive phase-specific grocery lists and a printable food chart for your kitchen, along with strategies for meal planning and meal prep.

  • Week 2: Cyclical Exercise for Weight Stabilization and More Energy
    Unlock increased energy levels, healthy weight loss, and mental focus through cyclical movement and exercise practices. You'll learn how to leverage certain phases of your cycle for weight loss, lean muscle building, flexibility, and recovery. 

  • Week 3: Building Healthier Relationships + Communication with Cycle Syncing 
    Learn to bring more love, presence, and sensuality to your relationships (including your relationship to self!) Your social and sexual needs fluctuate significantly throughout your cycle. You'll learn how to leverage and communicate this better in all types of relationships, including partnership. 

  • Week 4: Optimizing your Productivity, Creativity, and Work Flow for your Cycle
    Learn to organize your work, projects and goals around your cycle to build momentum and reach your goals without burning out. Work will feel more energizing and less draining. Learn how to cyclically design your work routine and weekly habits.


Circles start on the first Monday of each month. Your facilitator will reach out with more details once registration is complete. 

Cycle Syncing Circle

  • 1. Sign up for an upcoming Circle.
    You can join an existing circle as an individual, or start a private circle of your own. New Circles start on the first Monday of every month.

    2. Attend a LIVE Kickoff Call with your Circle Leader.

    Begin your journey by connecting with others in your Circle and learning how to make the most out of the weeks ahead. Exact time will be scheduled according to your Circle's availability.

    3. Each week, review the content & complete the action items shared in your WhatsApp group.

    Your Circle Leader will share a mix of videos, resources, and prompts each week. Follow this living curriculum alongside your cycle-syncing sisters to build your cycle syncing practice week-over-week.

    4. Ask questions in real-time & learn from your peers.

    In those moments when you get stuck or confused, remember that you have a coaching circle in your pocket! Get feedback, recommendations and peer encouragement as you go.

    5. Attend a closing ceremony to complete your 4-week journey.

    During this mini "graduation" ceremony, your circle will complete its journey and receive recommendations for how to continue your cycle syncing practice in the months to come. 

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